knowing i'd be taking quite few pics out in NYC this past weekend, i added a photo blog to the site. For the time being, I'm using my little sticker tag for the link:
Go ahead and click it, and don't forget to add it to your reader!
3 Comment(s):
stAllio!: are you sure your blogs even have feeds? when i look at the LINK tag in your source code that should contain your atom feed, the HREF attribute is blank... meaning if there even is a feed, the blog doesn't seem to link to it.
3 Comment(s):
same goes for this blog; i'm unable to subscribe.
8/19/2008 1:20 PM
for example, the blogger settings for this blog have the feed as
also, in firefox, the "Bookmarks" ยป "Subscribe to This Page" option works.
Is there something in the template that I need to populate?
8/19/2008 1:28 PM
everyone should just use firefox subscribe.
or i guess i could hardcode the feed urls in the links... maybe i'll do that.
8/19/2008 2:13 PM
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