Thursday, June 30, 2005
12:29 AM
i don't know how stallio gets all the shit done that he does, but here's some more evidence that he's cooler than everyone else:
stAllio!'s bent image gallerydude screws around with images in ways you're not s'posed to, and many times they come out real cool.
(look for cameo appearance by dj empirical and vinnie from Le TechnoPUSS13S in the RR8 gallery).
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
10:42 PM
check out
Scenestars, they're an mp3 blog with some neat stuff (at a glance; i haven't studied it).
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10:31 PM
My friend Aric Vance, formerly a.k.a. The Former Yugoslavia, has just had his second (and last) tfy release put up for download by the good people at the Umbrella Noize Collective.
The Former Yugoslavia: Paper Dolls for Catholic ChildrenIf you'll remember, this is the same fabulous place where you can get (amongst other things) the debut release from the QEG's own orNot!, entitle
The Triplet EP.
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9:40 PM
video for Pearl Jam's "Yellow Ledbetter".
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
11:09 AM
i just got the email newsletter sent out by my friends in Cleveland known as
Infinite Number of Sounds, and there are a couple noteworthy items.
Hey, just because we won't be in your town for a couple months doesn't mean you have to go without your INS fix! This coming Tuesday, June 28, 2005, the Discovery Channel will feature two of our songs on the soundtrack of episode 2 of their newseries, "Urban Explorers".
To quote their site:
In this episode, a team of four experts - an urban historian, a structural engineer and two world-class, urban climbers - go back in time to uncover the lost ruins ofthe "Windy City." Venture with them into hidden corners of Chicago that even thelocals don't know exist.
Showtime is set for 5:00PM EST, but check your local listings to be sure. For more information on the Discovery Channel and the "Urban Explorers" series, visit
awesome! too bad i don't have cable. maybe i can find someone who'll let me come over and watch it....
also, for those in Cinci:
Cincinnati forgoes fireworks, invites INS back instead!
Next Sunday, INS will be rolling back down to Cinncinati's Northside Tavern toperform with Cincy's own masters of jazzy bluesy hip-hop - IsWhat. We know that y'all have Monday off for the holiday, so why not shoot down to the Northside,
where there is never a cover charge, to celebrate your freedom.
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Infinite Number of Sounds
w/ IsWhat
@ Northside Tavern
4163 Hamilton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH
that's good news. chances are that dj empirical will pop in for some scratch action. ;)
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
7:16 PM

My good friend Mark Gunderson of the
Evolution Control Committee made an appearance on west coast radio last night / this morning.
here for a link to stream the show, or click
here for a direct link to the mp3 stream. It's only 24 kbps, so it doesn't sound great, but it has some good ECC content.
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11:10 AM
i know many of you are already familiar (to some extent) with Cassetteboy, but i just got them out and listened to them again, for the first time in a while, and i'm reminded how much i like them.
a particular favorite is this one: "
dogs dogs dogs dogs oh yeah dogs"
you can't beat an arrangement of lou reed's "perfect day" sung by dogs ("jingle bells"-style), with other samples all over the place, including one or two from "the day today", a classic Chris Morris brit news show parody. good times.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
11:59 PM
woke, showered, blogged, went to work, came home. exciting. :)
when i pulled up, my landlord was using a leaf blower to clean the sidewalk in front of my house. this was fine, except that all the front wondows were open, so not only was there a crazy amount of noise inside, the dust was floating in. oh well, it could be worse: at least my landlord isn't a dick, like most Clifton Heights landlords.
i wasn't there long, as i had to get over to the final band practice for 80s Pop Rocks II, which is coming up on Friday. (I know the Toast is quite displeased about missing it. Sucks, we'll miss you there.) I loaded everything up in the jeep and traversed to Northside, where the Meadoe practice space is. We were playing there so we could run through it at a good volume, and since Rob (who's playing bass for me) is in Meadoe, he said we could use their space for the evening.
things went well, and we sounded great. rob really does the bass parts well, and david's got this quirky thing he's doing on the guitar that sounds great. plus, since the version i have sequenced doesn't have the siren sound or the phone dialing sounds, David is just doing those into a microphone. if you know david at all, you'll know that it's goddamn funny.
after running though it ten or so times, we decided that we know the song sufficiently for the show, and went our separate ways. when i got back home, andrea was watching
The Ben Stiller Show, so i made her skip it back to where i was in the season, and we watched four or so episodes in a row while i played with her laptop, using the music brainz tagger to clean up her music some more. this way, when she listens to music, her
audioscrobbler will log things nicely.
after that much ben stiller, we stopped it to watch something else. we decided on
serial mom. turns out andrea knows nothing about john waters, so i may have to give her a crash course in the next couple weeks before she leaves.
after the film, we crashed.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
11:59 PM
woke, blogged, and showered, but not in that order. work was rough, as i not only was tired, but was covering for two different people as well as handling my own monday stuff. whoof.
right as i got home, i put on the last episode of season 2 of
NewsRadio with the commentary. i have now watched all of the box set (seasons 1 & 2), meaning 29 episodes and 20 with commentary, plus a couple little things. now i need season 3. :)
andrea called to say she'd be accepting a job offer she got last friday in chicago (see
her blog). it's 100% travel, which will be rough, but doable, i think. she was sent home early from her current job because she put in her two weeks so soon after starting. i guess she finds out tomorrow whether she can go back for the two weeks. oh well.
after a bit of cleaning out aaron's future room, i introduced andrea to
music brainz, a music batabase which has an application that will re-tag and organize your mp3s. since i'm obsessive, i spent the next couple hours doing that for her. whew.
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
11:59 PM
i woke up and chatted with Baby Kitty, who was at work and bored. after that, since i was up, i called my dad and talked for a little while. after a bit of cereal and
The Ben Stiller Show (which i borrowed from JF but actually belongs to Tom Willis), i cleaned the trash out of the jeep. for some reason though, it slipped my mind to get ahold of laura to transfer the title, so i still dont officially own it. oh well.
i showered and went over to Buzz, which used to contain the coffeeshop/cd shop where i used to work, but now contains Buzz owner John's computer consulting business. he had been given 8 pounds of Intelligentsia coffee (out of Chicago) by our friend Stephen who lives up there and works at Intelligentsia. since coffee expires, John donated a bit to me.
i went from there over to Megan's place for a few minutes, to help her with part of her burlesque routine for this coming saturday's Hogscraper show. she wasn't in costume (or, since it's burlesque, "out of costume"), we were just working on this fan thing i'd suggested she do. i guess all those teen years of nunchucks paid off in some way.
on the way back from megan's, lyndsey called to see whether i was hungry. i was, and since andrea had called to say she wouldn't be back until 10-ish, i went over to eat at lyndsey's. we watched a bit of
Viva la Bam on mtv, but after the pizza was done i got antsy and suggested we go back over to my place and watch a dvd or something. we did so, and caught a bit of
Ben Stiller, then some
Mr. Show and some of David Cross'
Let America Laugh dvd. That was playing when andrea came over, and the three of us watched it for a while until Lyndsey left to go crash.
andrea and i watched the last two Season 2 episodes of
NewsRadio, which i'd been saving for her all weekend, but not befor heading to her friend Kevin's house for some euchre. after a few minutes of video games (Dig Dug for me, Bosconian for her), we crashed.
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2:06 PM
I want one of these:
Das Keyboard
It doesn't have any markings at all, and the keys are all weighted based on finger strength.
Actually, i can get a keyboard and paint it all out myself, and since i dont touch type, i guess the weighting wouldn't be all that cool.
ah, nevemind.
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