I saw City Breathing last night at the Northside Tavern. The drummer is Ron, former drummer if Infinite Number of Sounds, with whom I stayed during part of my trip to NYC last year. I don't know how to describe them (City Breathing), really, other than to just say... rock? indie? I don't know. Click the link above and listen/watch. I got a few good pics that i hope to have up in the next couple days.
At the moment I've been on the phone with Time Warner for (according to my phone) 1:40, and that *doesn't* mean 2 minutes. I'm on hold right now, thus the quick blog. The cable service itself is fucked, but I'm getting internet, at least for now. Of course, there are issues with my modem: apparently the modem address I have is not the one they have in their account, thus causing them not to be able to service it remotely very well. Crystal (the service rep I'm on with at the moment) pretty much rules, since she's the first TW rep I've ever had who's put this much work into finding the solution to my issue (which has been plaguing me for a while now).
Also, I thought that for the hell of it I'd turn on my old old blog (as opposed to my old blog). The new blogger didn't like the template, so I nuked it. Rereading it, some of the posts are a little embarrassing and stupid, but hey, that's what the internet's for, right?
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