I start the esquire today. Yay. I hate welding in sculpture. I think that I'm going to leave class right after I get done typing this because everyone is one every stupid thing that I need to use so I'm going to have to come in after class. I'm being a real sour puss today. Sorry. It must be all of the orange shit I have all over my hands from that shitty metal like the kinda of music that is all trendy now. Yeah, fuck those people too.
Okay, Aaron your surprise needs fluff and tweeking and then it's airborn. Sorry about being so angry, but I just , I donno, it's just one of those days.
3 Comment(s):
dj empirical: it's always a treat to see a baby kitty post.
11/04/2004 3:08 PM
mcdeviltoast: what's this bible business? are you going to vacation bible school?
11/04/2004 7:05 PM
Baby Kitty: The Bible thumping morons are the bastards that come out of the wood work every four years (kinda like cicatias) to elect a ignorant jerk-off into office.
11/05/2004 4:18 PM
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