a quick recap of the day, as i've a small headache that i think will abate with sleep.
i woke up at about 12:30 pm, giving me more sleep than i generally get during the week, but not as much as my usual weekend nights. after a quick shower (no shaving at all this time) and a couple bowls of cereal (during which i finished Drop Dead Fred), i trekked out to sitwell's for some caffeine. no blue eyes there (alas), but chicken and chance were both working at the esquire. i said hello and chatted for a moment, then decided i should stop by shake it and pick something up. i left with volume five of the satanik mashups series (on vinyl), the album by 10cc with the song "dreadlock holiday" (also vinyl), and the fancy edition of Slacker on dvd. That means my vhs copy is now deprecated, so perhaps i'll resurrect the webpage idea i had that would basically be an online garage sale.
i realized i left the cd of the new Black Fives tracks over at Gabe's house, so i called and then stopped by. Coyote Ugly was on the tv, and, much as i expected, it was fabulously horrible. what's the target demographic for that film?
once back here, sara stopped by to print out homework (she has no internet connection at her apartment) and left, promising to call when she was finished. i ate again (ramen and p.b.j. sandwiches) while watching the documentary on the Sledge Hammer! season one dvds. for the most part, they all look the same, and anne-marie martin (Sledge's partner Doreau) is actually still quite attractive, even nearly twenty years later.
a call from sara and i went to her house. from there we would walk to the esquire to see The Motorcycle Diaries, but not quite yet. As we still had some time, i threw on the vhs of Slaughterhouse-Five gabe gave me last night. he has the dvd, and knows that since i finished the audio book i've wanted to see the film.
From there to The Motorcycle Diaries. I liked it; it created a human side to Che Guevara that i never thought about. all too often one views historical figures, however recently in history they figured, as... well... stencils, mere cut-out shapes of the people they were. i don't necessarily agree with his politics, but he's an interesting guy.
and now back here. blog, then sleep.
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11/08/2004 6:27 PM
11/08/2004 7:04 PM
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