I finally, after a minor amount of searching, found more info on some Christian sex ed records I had downloaded from the ECC a while back. The info is here, under the section entitled "Christopher Recordings on Sex Instruction".
A sample:
On the first track, "HOW BABIES ARE BORN," for example:
NARRATOR: Notice how the father introduces the name of God and the divine plan of reproduction early and this identification with God carries naturally through the
This first story commences with a father noisily sawing wood when his six-year-old son Billy runs up and implores him to come see the neighbors' new puppies. Not sensing any danger of imminent embarrassment, the father accompanies Billy to view the litter of puppies. Billy is prone to excitement and repeated use of the exclamation "Golly." He also sounds like an adult woman doing an impression of a boy. Apparently audio verité was not foremost on the minds of the Christophers.
On cue, Billy starts asking questions about how and why the puppies were born. Dad gives his stock answer about God planting the seed inside the mother dog, etc. This seems to satisfy until Billy asks the same questions about human beings. Dad issues a similar reply, but adds the detail that "God breathes a soul into the human fetus." The pet cemetary business was never the same.
But then Billy asks the killer question, "How does the baby get out of the mother's body?"
Dad responds nervously that "mommy has an opening between her legs that gets bigger when the baby comes out and then closes back up once the baby is born."
Billy digests this bombshell and then inquires stupidly, "Gosh, does Mom know this?"
Awesome, I've got to say. If you want to hear them yourself, take a peek here.
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